Bob & Joe’s Saves the US Open
With extreme weather hitting the Merion Golf Club this week, thousands of spectators and golfers were forced to seek shelter and evacuate the U.S. Open course. Luckily, our friends at…
Read the Full PostWith extreme weather hitting the Merion Golf Club this week, thousands of spectators and golfers were forced to seek shelter and evacuate the U.S. Open course. Luckily, our friends at…
Read the Full PostThe U.S. Open Championship is scheduled to take over the local turf at Merion Golf Club in Ardmore from June 10 to 16. Local Roads Closed for US Open With 175,000 spectators anticipated,…
Read the Full PostMotor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. According to the CDC, more than 2.3 million adult drivers and passengers were treated in…
Read the Full PostFrom now until June 9, PennDOT is partnering with more than 600 law enforcement agencies and the Pennsylvania State Police to participate in a national “Click It or Ticket” seat-belt…
Read the Full PostFour men were arrested for allegedly stealing a car after it was towed. Four men turned themselves into Radnor police earlier this month on charges that they had stolen a…
Read the Full PostMarple Township police report that a suspect has been ripping off sideview mirrors in Broomall. With all these broken mirrors, the thief or thieves will probably suffer many years of…
Read the Full PostWith the U.S. Open arriving at the Merion Golf Club on June 10, Haverford Township officials have announced probable road closures. Parts of Haverford Road and Ardmore Avenue are scheduled…
Read the Full PostAccording to a recent RepairPal survey, 38 percent of consumers who own or lease a vehicle worry that they can not trust the mechanic. Additionally, 66 percent of drivers think…
Read the Full PostIf you haven’t been locking your car doors, this might give you a reason to change that. Last week, 5 vehicle owners reported that items had been stolen from their…
Read the Full PostYour car is one of your largest investments—an investment that you depend on everyday. When you get in an accident, the repair process can be stressful, however, working with your…
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