As we enter 2021, I’m sure we are all making resolutions to follow in the new year to better ourselves. Maybe amongst that list, we can add some New Year’s resolutions to better your car! In this new year try and implement our 5 tips into your life.
Tips For Car Owners
Don’t neglect car maintenance. If you’re the type to ignore your car’s warning lights or your regular car maintenance, let’s make an effort to change this in 2021! We know it can be a pain to continuously keep up with the maintenance of your car. But keeping up with your car’s maintenance can help prevent costly repairs down the line.
- Learn to do basic maintenance yourself. Learning to do basic maintenance can save you a few trips to the shop. There are some maintenance tasks that should be done by a skilled professional mechanic. But the simple maintenance that you can learn include, oil changes, changing your tires, checking tire pressure, changing the air filter, a simple jump-start, and maintaining your car’s battery.
- Be more present on the road. According to the CDC, in 2018 2,800 people were killed and 400,000 were injured due to distracted driving. Distracted driving can be defined as: reaching for something, changing the music, using your phone, eating and drinking, and more.
- Keep your car clean. Be sure to wash the outside of your car on a regular basis to avoid dirt buildup that not only looks unpleasant but can lead to rust and corrosion. If you’re living in snowy climates, regular trips through the car wash take on increased importance. Salt can end up in your undercarriage where it then can corrode important parts. Cleaning the inside of your car not only keeps your car smelling great but also keeps it free of harmful bacteria. Having food in your car can attract insects and rodents that will want to make a home out of your car.
- Be sure to have a spare tire. Having a spare tire in your car can save you in a lot of situations. Next time you’re in your trunk, ensure that you have a spare tire present.
Following these 5 resolutions will help your car last longer, run better, and will make you a better driver!
Do You Know An Auto Body Shop Near You?
If you’re finding yourself in a bind, you will always have an auto body and collision repair shop in Havertown, PA. We are always happy to help!