Driving Resolutions for the New Year

As this year comes to a close, you may be thinking about possible resolutions to improve your lifestyle. While promising to eat healthier is noble, you should also consider kicking some dangerous driving habits. Consider these safer driving resolutions:

Put the phone away. According to Distraction.gov, 21 percent of distracted drivers ages 15-19 involved in fatal car accidents were distracted by cell phone use. Keep your phone in a purse or glove compartment so you’re not tempted to text or make calls while driving.

Don’t drive tired. You may not think it a big deal to get behind the wheel while feeling drowsy, but fatigued drivers are not alert enough to drive safely. Your reactions will be slower and your decisions less thought out. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, take an occasional nap throughout the day. If driving for a long time, make a stop so you can get out and stretch your legs.

Leave on time. Most people speed when they are running late, a major cause of automobile accidents. This year, give yourself plenty of time to make your trips and find parking. Don’t let your lateness be an excuse for possibly injuring yourself or another.

Don’t let your safe driving knowledge slip in 2014. Make a resolution, stick to it, and make the roads a safer place.